Our Thoughts on Antiracist Travel with Kids
No matter where you go, traveling exposes us and our families to people who are different. Raising mixed-race children has really made me reconsider practices I’ve done while traveling, how I’ve viewed myself and my privilege, and what I am doing to raise antiracist children.
I’ve been trying to figure out how to do the right thing – but what exactly is the “right thing”?
Research shows that kids pick up what parents say or don’t say: that even babies demonstrate racial preference if not exposed to people who look different than themselves. This led me down a path of researching how to talk to little kids about race, how to be an antiracist parent, and how to raise antiracist kids.
My parents didn’t talk to me about race, and they raised me – a little mixed-race girl – in a very white suburb. Because of this, and because I don’t want my mixed-race daughters to grow up in a world where they or anyone else feels othered or discriminated against, I want to do better.