About Us

Angel and Angelica smile at the camera as they sit and breastfeed their beautiful brown bebes!
Angelica and Angel sit and smile as they each breastfeed their newborn kids.

You’re a parent intent on traveling with your little ones. You want them to experience the sites, food, cultures, and expand their world in a socially aware and anti-racist way. Us too!

Hola, kumusta, and hiiiii!

Thank you for being here. We are Angel & Angelica, and as you can see, we’re breast friends 😀 We are two mamas residing in Huchiun Ohlone land, aka the East Bay Area, the place where we were born and raised by our immigrant parents. We grew up within 20 minutes of each other, but only met after college (Go Bears!) through mutual friends. And now, even though we’ve moved around, we still live within 20 minutes of each other!

Over the years we bonded over music & travel, then pregnancy and motherhood and beyond. We’re here to chronicle our adventures as mamas-of-color who want to woke-fully see and experience the world in its natural beauty, and to help make travel easier for families-of-color, via any modes we can.

We look forward to enjoying this ride with you all!

What are we trying to do here, exactly?

Our goal is to inspire families like ours to explore the world with INTENTION. With this blog, we hope to:

  • Provide families-of-color with helpful information as they set out to adventure around the world, in order to make travel easier and more accessible for them.
  • Not just diversify your travel feed, but offer more options to see people like us in your travel feed.
  • Bring more business to local spaces, particularly those owned by BIPOC folks.
  • Inspire and support the traveling desires of other families, and build community along the way! So many other travel blogs are white spaces – we’re taking up some space and building our networks along the way.
  • Encourage more families to be outside, to respect those that came before us, and act responsibly in nature. travel and planning with our children.

What does this mean?

For us, this translates to intentional decisions for our blog, such as:

  • Acknowledging the Indigenous communities whose land we are on in every travel post. Learn more about why this is important here
  • Providing history and context to the places we have visited
  • Visiting and recommending family-friendly BIPOC-owned restaurants and businesses
  • Sharing our travel experiences as BIPOC families including who we see, how we feel, and how we’re treated
  • Brainstorming and experimenting with what it means to apply an ‘antiracist framework’ to our travel and planning with our children. Click to read more

Why Us?

We love to adventure, and to pore into all of the guides. But we know that most of the bloggers out there don’t look like us.


We want to diversify your travel feed in more ways than one. We especially want to help make the lives of families of color just a tad easier by providing tools, resources, and sample itineraries that will inspire travel and adventure.


We are the families we hope to reach. We love collaborating as we travel, and feel like this blog is a living, breathing log (no pun intended?) of our adventures, as a mode of reflection but also to be witness to our own stories and to tell our stories from our point of view.

Angel looks excited in a red dress as her child hugs Angel's pregnant belly at the beach.

Hi! I'm Angel.

Greetings fellow travelers! My name is Angelina (aka Angel, she/her/hers) and I was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area.

I am a member of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde (klahowya!) and a daughter of a Puerto Rican New Yorker (hola!).

As a mixed-race woman of color I have sometimes struggled with where I fit in but always found peace while traveling.

I traveled the world – 37 countries by the time I turned 37, just saying – then had kids and traveled some more.

3 things about Angel

Angel and her partner smile while standing atop Angel's Landing at Zion National Park, with a view of the canyon behind them.
Angel holds a tiny pair of yellow moccasins atop her exposed pregnant belly, as she and her husband hold Angel's belly.

I am married and now have two beautiful mixed babies of my own. My husband and I traveled and trekked many miles together- and took our first international trip with our baby when she was 15 months old to New Zealand.


There was a time when my doctor told me I could never have kids. While traveling, somehow, things changed for me and I eventually got pregnant, twice, and had two beautiful home births – one in a tub!

Angel, her two daughters, and her husband play in the sand at Pajaro Dunes, Watsonville.

I want to see more families like ours traveling the world, and to hold space for us and our adventures online. Thank you for joining me on this journey!

Hi! I'm Jelly.

Kumusta sa tanan! My name is Angelica (aka Jelly, she/her) and I love to adventure and learn about as much of the world as I possibly can. I enjoy putting together itineraries and especially trying to make trips as inclusive as possible.

So after my little person arrived in 2017, I became (sort of?) excited about the new challenges that we’d experience traveling as a family of three. How could I still maintain some semblance of my former travel lifestyle while also being attuned to my family’s needs?

I can’t say I always get it right (on the contrary!), but I do know that we’ve had a lot of fun with the twists and turns that go along with our new travel configuration. It’s about the journey, right? 😉 Thanks for joining us on ours!
Jelly smiles wearing sunglasses, with the Sphinx and Pyramids of Giza in the background.

3 things about Jelly

Jelly looks out towards Diamond Head while paddleboarding with her child at Ala Moana Beach Park in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Jelly and her partner (both masked), smile at the camera while riding a green train named "Sisal."
Jelly smiles from a sunrise viewpoint on Mount Sinai in Egypt.

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A child looking through a magnifying glass at a caterpillar at the Maui Butterfly Farm

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This is just the beginning

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Parent and two children walking through the gate to the Moorish Castle in Sintra Portugal